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The benefits of Chigong
Lesson scene
Self healing
Pine Tree


It is the energy called" Universal life force" that flows within yourself,
all living things, nature and the universe.

It flows inside and outside of your body.

This energy is used effectively when your mind and emotions are calm.



1 Harmony of the body

You can make chi flow smoothly in a complete state of relaxation.
You always relax in any posture and move slowly like drawing a circle.

2 Harmony of breathing

The basis of breathing is "deep, equal, soft and long".
If you breath too shallow or too short, you will not be able to relax.
Breathing deep ,long and naturally restores the balance of the autonomic nervous system.

3 Harmony of the mind

A major problem we face in this modern era is the brain's over stimulation.
You can set the brain free from restless thoughts and relax the brain
by calming the mind down and stabilizing the emotions.