Arm sway
Stand with your legs a shoulder's width apart, and hold both arms
out in front of you.
Now swing them to the back and front, keeping them parallel as you
Relax the arms and swing them like a pendulum.
Keep your movements slow, once back and forth should take between
Your fingers should be pointing downward at all times.
Repeat again slowly enjoying the changes you feel taking place in
your body.
Once you feel comfortable with the movement, clear out everything
in your mind and let your zen spirit work itself on you.
Start by trying 5 min.session, and work up to 30-40min. if you have
the time.
You can practice this any times a day. Even just a 5 min session
can be very effective.
Main benefits:
Relaxes shoulders, improve the blood flow from the back of the
heart to the central back and neck move more freely.
Helps blood flow in the head and allows the blood that has been
used up in your head to descend more naturally.
Relaxes the heart muscle. It clears your mind, deepens breathing,
improves the working of stomach and bowels,
relaxes the brain and relieves general stress.
Spine sway
You can do this one sitting cross-legged, with legs out stretched,
or in a chair.
Be sure you sit up with your back straight. Place both hands on
your knees.
Rock your upper body gently to the left and right like a metronome.
Let go of the tension in your neck, and sway back and forth as if
you were a blade of grass being swayed by a gentle breeze.
The idea here is to relax your chest muscles so don't make very
big sweeping movements.
Next, rock front and back, like you are sleepy, keep your neck loose.
Now roll to the left and then to the right.
When you are used to the movement, relax your back completely and
continue with free flowing movements
Main benefits:
Relaxes the shoulders, back and lower back. Relieves back strain,
relaxes the entire mind and body, and deeply rests the brain.
This is especially beneficial when done just before bed.