EJuly. 8th and 9th, 2017yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.3 Fuji
EJun. 24th, 2017yOfficialz
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.2 N1000, and completed.
EJun. 3 and 4th, 2017yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 13thand 14th, 2017yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.2
EMay. 2ndand 4th,2017yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EApril. 16,2017
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.1 N1000, and completed.
EFeb. 5th, 2017
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 7 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway, and completed.
EDec. 18th, 2016yOfficialz
Vitz & 86/BRZ Dream Cup
EDec. 1stand 4th,2016yOfficialz
FIA 2016 Asian Le Mans Series
ENov. 6,2016
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.6 N1000, and completed.
ESep. 17thand 18th, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.5
ESep. 2nd and 4th, 2016yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.4 Fuji
EAug. 20thand 21th, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4
EAug. 15th, 2016
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 500km 5 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
Completed in 4th place.
EAug. 5thand 7th,2016yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.5 Fuji
EJuly. 15th and 17th, 2016yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.3 Fuji
EJun. 25thand 26th, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.3
EJun. 4th and 5th, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 14thand 15th, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.2
EMay. 2ndand 4th,2016yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EApr. 2ndand 3rd, 2016yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.1
EDec. 6th, 2015yOfficialz
Vitz Dream Cup
EDec. 5th, 2015yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.6
ENov. 22th, 2015yOfficialz
ENov. 1st,2015
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.5 N1000, and completed.
ESep. 20thand 21th, 2015yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4
ESep. 18thand 20th,2015yOfficialz
FIA 2015 Asian Le Mans Series Round.3
EAug. 30th, 2015
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.4 N1000, and completed.
EAug. 13th, 2015
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
Completed in 2nd place.
EAug. 7thand 9th,2015yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.5 Fuji
EJuly. 17th and 19th, 2015yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.3 Fuji
EJuly. 3rd and 4th, 2015yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.3 Fuji
EJun. 20thand 21th, 2015yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.3
EJun. 6th and 7th, 2015yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 16th, 2015
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.2 N1000, and completed.
EMay. 1stand 3rd,2015yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EApr. 19th, 2015
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.1 N1000, and completed.
EFeb. 1, 2015
We took part in K4-GP 7hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway, Completed.
EDec. 13th, 2014
A member got
domestic technical official grade-A1 license.
EDec. 7th, 2014yOfficialz
Vitz Dream Cup
EDec. 6th, 2014yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.6
ENov. 23th, 2014yOfficialz
ENov. 1stand 2nd,2014
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.5 N1000, and completed.
EOct. 10thand 12th,2014yOfficialz
FIA World Endurance Championship Rd.5 in Fuji
ESep. 20thand 21th, 2014yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4
EAug. 30th, 2014
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.3 N1000, and completed.
EAug. 14th, 2014
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
EAug. 8thand 10th,2014yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.5 Fuji
EJuly. 25th and 27th, 2014yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.3 Fuji
EJuly. 11th and 13th, 2014yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.3 Fuji
EJun. 21th, 2014
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.2 N1000, and completed.
EJun. 7th and 8th, 2014yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 16th and 18th, 2014yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.2 Fuji
EMay. 2ndand 4th,2014yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EApr. 19th, 2014
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.1 N1000, and completed.
EMar 15th, 2014
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 4 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway, and completed.
EWe have completed updating the 2014 JAF member club.
EDec. 8th, 2013yOfficialz
Vitz Dream Cup
EDec. 7th, 2013
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.6 N1000, and completed.
ENov. 22th and 24th, 2013 yOfficialz
JAF Grand Prix SUPER GT Super Formula
ENov. 2ndand 3rd, 2013
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.5 N1000, and completed.
EOct. 7thand 8th,2013yOfficialz
FIA World Endurance Championship Rd.6 in Fuji
ESep. 21thand 22th,2013yOfficialz
FIA 2013 Asian Le Mans Series Round.5
ESep. 7thand 8th,2013yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.6 Fuji
EAug. 14th, 2013
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
Completed in 2nd place.
EAug. 10th and 11th, 2013yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.4 Fuji
EJul. 12th and 14th, 2013yOfficialzSuper Formula Rd.3 Fuji
EJun. 23th, 2013
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.3 N1000, and he retired
with engine blow.
EJun. 1st and 2nd, 2013yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 19th, 2013yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.2
EApr. 28thand 29th,2013yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.3 Fuji
EMar. 30th and 31th, 2013yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.1
EWe have completed updating the 2013 JAF member club.
EDec. 16th, 2012yOfficialz
Vitz Dream Cup 2012
EDec. 9th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.6 N1000, and completed.
ENov. 15th and 18th, 2012 yOfficialz
JAF Grand Prix SUPER GT Formula NIPPON
EOct. 19thand 20th,2012
We took part in K4-GP Night Run Fuji 7hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
ESep. 8thand 9th,2012yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.6 Fuji
ESep. 1st and 2nd, 2012yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4
EAug. 14th, 2012
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
Completed in 2nd place.
EJul. 22th, 2012yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.3
EJul. 13th and 15th, 2012yOfficialzFormula Japan Rd.4 Fuji
EJun. 24th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered TMSC Vitz Clubman Race Rd.2 , and completed.
EMay. 20th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.2 Roadster Cup Race,
and completed in 9th place.
EMay. 13th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered TMSC Vitz Clubman Race Rd.4 SUZUKA, and completed
in 1st place.
EMay. 3rdand 4th,2012yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EMar. 25th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered TMSC Vitz Clubman Race Rd.2 , and completed.
EApr. 7th and 8th, 2012yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EMar. 24th and 25th, 2012yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.1 Fuji
EMar. 25th, 2012
A wheelchair member entered Motegi Championship Race Rd.1 Vitz Clubman
Race, and completed.
EFeb. 5th, 2012
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 8 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway, and
ENov. 20th, 2011
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.6 N1000, and completed.
ENov. 10th and 13th, 2011 yOfficialz
JAF Grand Prix SUPER GT Formula NIPPON
ENov. 6th, 2011
A wheelchair member entered Motegi Championship Race Rd.4 1000ccCup, and
completed in 5th place.
EOct. 2th, 2011
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.5 Demio Race, and
completed in 5th place.
ESep. 25th, 2011@2 wheelchair members entered September Race Meeting in SODEGAURA 1000cc 60min Endurance, and completed.
ESep. 3rd and 4th, 2011
A wheelchair member entered Fuji Championship Race Rd.4 Demio Race, and
EAug. 21th, 2011@4 wheelchair members entered Tsukuba 1000cc 60min Endurance, and completed.
EAug. 12th, 2011
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race in Fuji Speedway,
Completed in 1st place.
EJul. 23th and 24th, 2011yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.3 Fuji
EJul. 7th, 2011 2 wheelchair members entered SUGO Victory Cup Race with 1000cc Vitz
at SUGO, Completed in 4th place.
EJul. 15th and 17th, 2011yOfficialzFormula Japan Rd.3 Fuji
EJu. 26th, 2011 Fuji Championship Race Rd.3 Demio Race, and completed.
EJun. 11th and
12th, 2011yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing
EMay. 15th, 2011
Fuji Championship Race Rd.2
2 wheelchair members
entered, and one won 4th place and the other completed in 8th
EMay. 2nd,
Super GT Rd.2 Fuji
EApr. 23th and
24th, 2011yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EFeb. 12th and
13th A driver and 6 wheelchair drivers entered K4GP Sepang 24 hours
Endurance Race, and completed in 2nd place.
EDec. 12th, 2010
Fuji Championship Race Rd.6
A wheelchair member entered Demio Race and completed in 5th place.
ENov. 14th, 2010 2 wheelchair members entered Motegi Champion Cup Race with 1000cc
Vitz at Twin Ring Motegi, and completed.
ENov. 12th to 14th,
EA driver got domestic grade-A license
EOct. 10th, 2010@3 wheelchair members and 3 Vitz entered 2010 October Race Meeting in Tsukuba
1000cc Cup, and one completed and the others retired.
ESep. 26th, 2010yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EAug. 28th and
29th, 2010yOfficialzFuji Spec Racing Festival Summer Campaign
EJul. 25th, 2010
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4 Demio Race
Won 3rd place
EJul. 17th and
18th, 2010yOfficialzFormula Japan Rd.3 Fuji
Jun. 27th, 2010 A wheelchair member entered
Motegi Champion Cup Race Rd.2 with 1000cc Vitz at Twin Ring Motegi, and
EJun. 26th and
27th, 2010yOfficialzSuper Endurance Rd.4 Fuji
EJun. 13th, 2010yOfficialz
Fuji Spec Racing Festival
EMay. 23th, 2010yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.3
EMay. 2nd, 2010yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.3 Fuji
EApr. 2010
We, Association of Motor
Sports Barrier-free, were approved as a member of JAF clubs.It is probably the first
time that the official 4WD club led by people with disabilities, and becomes to
be known from Japanese motor sports.We positively continue to
make more progress. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated.
EApr. 18th, 2010
Fuji Championship Race Rd.2 Demio Race
Completed in 5th place.
EMar. 14th, 2010
Fuji Championship Race Rd.1 Demio Race
Completed in 3rd
EIntroduced in the March
issue of JAF Mate
ETwo people got domestic
grade-A license
EOct. 18th, 2009 Entry into the official raceFuji Championship Race
Rd.5 Demio Race
EIntroduced in a column by
Ms. Yuko Iida, a writer for car life.
ESep. 12th, 2009yOfficialz
Super GT Rd.7 Fuji
EAug. 16th, 2009yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race Rd.4
EJul. 12th, 2009yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EJun. 26th to 28th,
2009yOfficialzFormula Japan Rd.4
EJun. 13th and
14th, 2009yOfficialz
The Spec Racing Festival
2009 Fuji
EMay. 24th, 2009yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EMay. 2nd to 4th,
Super GT Rd.3
EApr. 18th and
19th, 2009yOfficialz
Fuji Championship Race
EApr. 4th and 5th,
2009yOfficialzFormula Japan Rd.1
EPut on-board video of
Sepang 24 hours on the web.
EFeb. 12th and
13th, 2009
13 wheelchair members
entered K4GP Sepang 24 hours Endurance Race, and completed n spite of the
troubles like turbine blow.
EJan. 15th, 2009
We finished containerizing
a barrier-free AT car for Sepang 24 hours Endurance Race on Feb. 12th
and 13th.
ENov. 22th and
23rd, 2008
We were official of Toyota
Motor Sports Festival.
ENov. 16th, 2008
We were official of Fuji Championship Race
Final Rd.
ENov. 8th and 9th,
We were official of Super GT Fuji Final Rd.
ESep. 21th, 2008
We were official of Fuji
Championship Race Rd.5.
EAug. 30th and
31st, 2008
We were official of
Formula Japan Final Rd.The gfirst timeh as wheelchair people.
EAug. 24th, 2008 2 members got domestic grade-A license
EJul. 13th, 2008
We were official of Fuji
Championship Race Rd.3.
EJul. 6th, 2008
We took part in the meeting of K4GP Sepang 24 hours Endurance Race on Feb.
EJun. 28th and
29th, 2008
We were official of Spec
Racing Festival 2008 Fuji.
EJun. 14th and
15th, 2008
We were official of SUPER
TEC Super Endurance Rd.3..
EMay. 23rd, 2008
We were official of Fuji Championship Race Rd.2.
EMay. 2nd to 4th,
We were official of Super GT Fuji 500km.
EApr. 19th, 2008 We took part n K4-GP test
running in Fuji Speedway.
EStarted to sell motor sports barrier-free stickers
EFeb. 10th, 2008
12 disability people entered K4-GP Fuji 3 hours Endurance Race, and completed
in spite of changing schedule by snow.
EPut video of emergency
escape from a car for wheelchair people to get grade-A license.
EJan. 26th, 2008
We took part in K4-GP test running in Fuji Speedway.
EA driver got domestic grade-A license.
EAug. 15th, 2007
15 disability drivers and 3 cars entered K4-GP 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race, and all cars completed the race.
EIntroduction of MT cars
for racing
EJul. 14th, 2007 We did test running in
Fuji Speedway for 1000km Endurance Race.
Apr. 7th, 2007
We took part in track meet hosted by Mad House.
EFeb. 10th and
11th, 2007 We entered K4GP Sepang 24 hours Endurance Race in Sepang
International Circuit in Malaysia, and completed in class 7th place.
EJan. 27th, 2007
Final meeting about Sepang.
EJan. 17th, 2007
Joined containerizing to carry cars for Sepang.
ETaking applicants for 3rd
domestic grade-B license.
ENov. 12th and
23rd, 2006 Held the meeting for 2nd domestic grade-B
license, and applied for official B3 referees.
EOct.21st and Nov. 26th, 2006
Joined the meeting for
K4-GP Sepang.
EAug. 15th, 2006
We took part in K4-GP Fuji 1000km 10 hours Endurance Race, and completed in Fuji Speedway.
ETaking applicants for 2nd
domestic grade-B license.
EJul. 15th, 2006
Fuji test running and meeting
EJun. 10th, 2006
Held the meeting for 1st grade-B license.
EFeb. 19th, 2006
8 wheelchair people entered K4GP 9 hours Endurance Race in winter in Fuji
Speedway, and completed.
EAug. 15th, 2005 We entered K4-GP Fuji
1000km 10 hours Endurance Race with hybrid prius in Fuji Speedway, and
completed. Broadcasted on NHK at a later date.



